

If you’re looking for a professional massage therapist in the Grass Lake, Michigan area who is committed to your well being, you’ve come to the right place. I am trained in a variety of modalities and have regularly taken continuing education to stay on top of my game. You can click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques I use in my work.


Also, if you’d like to set up an appointment with me, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. I will call you back to find a time for your appointment that will work in our schedules, and also answer any questions you might have.  Without obligation, I am happy to consult with you over the phone to determine if massage therapy might be a good option to address your specific situation.


In wholeness, healing and love,

Scott Runyon


The Healing Hands Company

"Ridding the world of pain, one muscle at a time!"